Within the secular context of the University of New York, the challenge was to create a unique venue for the practice of religion, where members of all faiths feel equally welcome and valued.
Archives : Campaigns
Preparing for the Holy Month of Ramadan
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. There are many reasons why this month carries more importance for Muslims than others, one of them being that it was the month in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed.
Zakat – One of the Great Pillars of Islam
Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam and a compulsory act of worship. It is the requirement that the Muslim who owns wealth at or over a certain threshold (called the Nisab) should donate a portion of that wealth (typically 2.4%) to those who are eligable.
How Muslims Celebrate Zakat-ul-Fitr (Fitrana)?
Giving Zakat-ul-Fitr (also known as Fitrana) is one of the many obligations of the holy month of Ramadan. Like the Zakat on an individual’s savings, it also entails giving a small amount to charity.
The Muslim Pattern Carpets
Carpeting is becoming one of the essential ingredients of today's living standard in the modern world.
Pakistan School Feeding Programme
Through the School Feeding Programme, many students, whose poor diet affects their ability to develop at school, now receive essential vitamins that will help them to grow.
Sanitation and Water Situation in Pakistan
Programme is one of them, a water project designed specifically for drought prone and water scarce regions. It is not only impacting lives but also changing them for the better.
Fidia/Kaffarah is the Way to Help Poor People
Where a person is unable to fast due to their ill health, a payment is given in substitution.
Bangladesh Healthcare and Nutrition
There is an ever present need to get people the appropriate medical care, to vaccinate new born babies, and to ensure the injured and wounded have the appropriate medical treatment.